Canada Helps Immigrants Without Valid Work Permits Stay
New Program for Immigrants
During the beginning of this week, NDP Leader Jagmeet Singh requested Prime Minister Justin Trudeau together with his party’s MPs, trade unions and community groups to establish a program that would facilitate residence for thousands of paperless immigrants residing in Canada.
Plan to Help Illegal Residents
The leader of a political party in Canada, Jagmeet Singh, along with other groups, has asked the Prime Minister to start a program. This program would allow many immigrants who are currently in Canada without proper documents to stay legally.
Helping People Without Legal Status
The Minister of Immigration is planning to introduce a new strategy. This strategy will help people who are in Canada without legal documents, including former students whose visas have expired. The plan would give them a chance to get the right paperwork and become permanent residents.
How Many People Does This Affect?
There are estimates that between 20,000 and 500,000 people in Canada may be undocumented immigrants. Some groups think the government might give work permits first, then permanent residency, to avoid a large number of applications at once.
No Limits on Applications
The party that asked for the program wants the government to accept applications from everyone who qualifies. They believe undocumented workers should have a clear and simple path to becoming permanent residents.
Benefits of This Plan
This plan would follow the direction set by a previous immigration minister to find ways to help undocumented workers who contribute to Canada. Other countries have similar programs. For instance, Ireland allowed people who had lived there for four years to apply to stay legally in 2022.
Support for the Plan
Many organizations, including labor unions and community groups, are asking the government to create a program to help undocumented workers. They argue that these workers are sometimes mistreated because they don’t have legal status. If they can stay legally, they can find better jobs, which would be good for everyone.
Challenges Faced by Undocumented Workers
People who are undocumented in Canada often have trouble getting healthcare, education, and legal help. They frequently have low-paying jobs with no security and may be taken advantage of. They pay taxes and work hard, but their temporary status makes them vulnerable.
For example, Jane Kirabira is an undocumented lesbian who fears for her safety if she returns to her home country. People like her need a way to become permanent residents so they can live safely and contribute more to Canada.
Public Concerns About Immigration
Canadians are becoming less supportive of immigration recently. This is partly because some people believe that immigration is linked to a lack of affordable housing. The government has set limits on the number of immigrants allowed to enter Canada in the next few years.
This is a complex situation, but hopefully this explanation helps you understand the new plan to help immigrants without work permits in Canada.