Join the Federal Government’s 2023 Unemployed Youth Registration initiative, conducted by the National Directorate of Employment (NDE).
Check out our guide to help you navigate the process and seize the opportunities.
Take a step towards a better future today
Commencement of Federal Government 2023 Unemployed Youth Registration by the National Directorate of Employment (NDE)
If you reside in Lagos, Nigeria, and are presently without employment, here is vital information that you should be aware of.
The National Directorate of Employment (NDE), in collaboration with the Federal Government, has kick-started the registration process for jobless individuals. Recently, this initiative debuted in Lagos and has now been expanded to include all 36 states across the nation, including FCT.
A Nationwide Initiative for Unemployment Registration
The Federal Government’s nationwide initiative to register unemployed individuals has begun in earnest, under the auspices of the National Directorate of Employment (NDE).
This program aims to identify, assist, and provide opportunities for those seeking employment.
To take advantage of this opportunity as an unemployed individual, please visit the NDE Office located at your Local Government Secretariats for registration.
This project aims to alleviate the unemployment issue and improve the welfare of citizens.
“This is a golden opportunity for all unemployed persons to make a change. The registration process has begun, and we advise everyone to take advantage of it. Let’s together build a better Nigeria!” – (A representative from the NDE)
What You Need to Know about NDE Unemployed Person Registration 2023
The registration process requires the provision of specific information. Here is the list of data you need to fill in the unemployment form:
- Full Name
- Contact Address
- Phone Number
- National Identification Number (NIN)
- Age
- Ward
- Federal Constituency
- Senatorial District
- State of Origin
- Local Government of Origin
- State of Residence
- Educational Qualification
- Duration of Unemployment
- Previously Acquired Skills
- Required Skill (Vocational/ Entrepreneurship)
- Employment Option (Wage/Self Employment)
The Registration Process for FG Unemployment Registration
To register, you must visit your local government areas, carrying along your NIN, phone number, highest qualification, and other necessary information. Alternatively, for the convenience of digital registration, you can click here.
The Federal Government’s Unemployed Youth Registration 2023 is a significant initiative.
It offers a unique opportunity to unemployed citizens, facilitating their return to productivity while contributing to the nation’s economy.
Ensure to participate in the process if you meet the criteria and make the most of this opportunity.
The government’s unwavering dedication to decreasing unemployment rates and enhancing the well-being of its citizens is vividly demonstrated through this extensive nationwide initiative undertaken in partnership with the National Directorate of Employment.
“Register today, it is more than just a process, it’s a pathway to better opportunities and a promising future. Don’t miss out!” – (A Representative from the NDE)